Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Amazing Shee-ite

Amazing Shee-ite

Amazing Shee-ite { July 27, 2008 @ 10:07 } { Post Category - Unknown } { Tags: Addicted, AIM, Bored.Com, Chatting, Clean, Coordination, Creeps, Deaths, Desk, Die, Distract, Downloading, Friend Requests, Get-Stuff-Done Day, Google Talk, Hit, Homework, Laundry, Lazy, Lazy Day, Least, Level 30, Messenger, Mood, Movies, MSN, MySpace, MyYearBook, Nice, Normally, Nothing, Oppose, Papers, Patience, Relate, Saturday, Save, Sticky-Note Disaster, Sunday, Thursday, Un-Lazy, Unpacking, Washed, Way, Wo

SDCC: Entertainment Weeklys Visionaries Panel = Pure Gold

Cinematical: Filed under: Fandom, Exhibition, ComicCon I had a huge red circle thrown around this event the second it was announced: Someone at Entertainment Weekly thought it would be a good idea to put Kevin Smith, Judd Apatow, Zack Snyder, and Frank Miller on the same panel -- for no other reason than to talk about comic books, movies, and the ways in which comic books are turned into movies. The panel was moderately very well by EW's Mark Bernardin, who asked questions both insightful and s

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